Friday, November 30, 2012

What is your Mission for Christmas

Let's work on making your Christmas less stressful. That doesn't happen without being purposeful in how you approach the season.  We can't do everything this season has to offer and still stay sane.  So, what will have to go?

First let's decide what your MISSION FOR CHRISTMAS is and then we can take things from there. Usually people approach Christmas in terms of three different areas: 
  • Family
  • The Season of Giving
  • The Birth of Jesus.  
None of these are mutually exclusive but one is your MAIN focus. I was raised with the focus on family and as a mom I have chosen to be intentional about using this occasion to teach my children what the Bible says about Jesus. We also use this time for giving opportunities.  So what is most important to me? What is my MISSION? It's teaching about Jesus; the rest is just bonus.  Your mission may be different. I'm here to help you hone in on that mission and make Christmas work for you.

How does having a mission create less stress?
  • It trims down your to-do list
  • It gives you margin in your schedule
  • It cuts costs because less things to do means less money spent
  • It allows for more quality time spent on the things that are most important to you

For example, our family loves going to see the Nutcracker every year but this year I'm in a musical production of Singin' in the Rain and my weekends are booked with shows.  Trying to fit the Nutcracker in was getting to be stressful so I had to ask myself, "Is it THAT important? Does it support my mission for Christmas?" The answer is no.  My heart starts with the, "But it's a TRADITION!" Ya, so is cutting down the tree, viewing Christmas lights, traveling 2.5 hours to have dinner with my parents..... There are plenty of other things that are traditions.  If we have more time next year, we'll pick up the Nutcracker again.  In the meantime, that just freed up $130 in our Christmas budget. More money equals less stress. It's a win-win.

So, what will your main focus be this year? Do you want to instill family traditions that will create more time together and stronger bonds? Do you want to focus on teaching your children that this is the season of giving? Do you want to make sure your children see through the festivities and learn the “why” that Christmas is celebrating a change in the world’s history? Once you have your MAIN focus we can get to work on simplifying your to-do list and I'll even help you with tradition ideas that you can use to support your mission.

Post in the comments your thoughts on what your mission for this Christmas.....

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Christmas to Remember

This is the time to decide what type of Christmas you want this year.  Thanksgiving is behind us and December hasn't started yet.  You are right on the cusp.... Which shall it be? The crazy-I'm-trying-to-cram-it-all-in-and-make-everyone-happy Christmas or the I-can't-do-it-all-so-I'm-going-to-do-what's-best-for-my-family Christmas?

My mom dreaded Christmas.  As a kid, I could not understand her Bah-Humbug attitude but then I became a mom and found that the job of Santa wasn't left to the magical realm of the North Pole, I AM SANTA! I have no elves; I have no helpers in red suits positioned at all of the malls. This lady gets to do it all and the man in the red suit gets all the credit.

Christmas is a wonderful time and there are so many things I enjoy about it but when you take a look at what we put on ourselves to accomplish in one month, it's nuttier than Uncle Walter's fruit cake. Take a look at the list that I've compiled over the years of doing my talks:
Plan gifts
Buy Gifts
Wrap Gifts
Ship Gifts
Family Pictures-clothes, location, perfect shot with everyone looking at the camera and smiling
Order pictures
Create family letter
Address envelopes
Stamp envelopes
Actually mail them
Husband's office party
Find dress for party
Get babysitter for party
Bake cookies
Attend cookie exchange
Parties: school, church, friends, neighborhood, family
Gift exchanges for moms groups, small groups, Bible study group
Cut down tree
Decorate house
Prepare for travel or prepare house for guests
Visit retirement homes
Volunteer soup kitchen
Bake, bake, bake
Events: Christmas lights, train rides, visit Santa, Nutcracker
Charity gifts: angel tree, Operation Christmas Child
Christmas Eve service
Christmas service
Prep dinner
Kids performances
Secret Santa
Advent wreath
Advent calendar
Ladies Brunch/Luncheon/Craft Fair
Letters to Santa
(And all the financial stress that comes with all of the above)

I'm sure there is more to add to the list, but you get the picture.  We try to get more done is this one month than we would EVER try to do in any other month.  How are we supposed to be good moms creating great memories when we are stressed out?

Let's start a revolution! Let's give ourselves permission to create the Christmas that we want for our families, letting go of all the things that we don't need or love doing?  I'll show you how. Step by step.  Each day this week I will address a different aspect of de-stressing our Christmas.  We'll cross things off of our to-do list, we'll make a plan, and we’ll implement traditions that support our family mission for Christmas.

You'll want to share this with your friends.  Please feel free to "share" through Facebook or forward this blog to their email.  

This is going to be the year you make Christmas better for you and your family!

Leave a comment about something that drives you crazy this time of year.