Let's work on making
your Christmas less stressful. That doesn't happen without being purposeful in
how you approach the season. We can't do everything this season has to
offer and still stay sane. So, what will have to go?
First let's decide what
your MISSION FOR CHRISTMAS is and then we can take things from there. Usually
people approach Christmas in terms of three different areas:
- Family
- The Season of Giving
- The Birth of Jesus.
None of these are
mutually exclusive but one is your MAIN focus. I was raised with the focus on
family and as a mom I have chosen to be intentional about using this occasion
to teach my children what the Bible says about Jesus. We also use this time for
giving opportunities. So what is most important to me? What is my
MISSION? It's teaching about Jesus; the rest is just bonus. Your mission
may be different. I'm here to help you hone in on that mission and make
Christmas work for you.
does having a mission create less stress?
- It trims down your to-do list
- It gives you margin in your schedule
- It cuts costs because less things to do means less money spent
- It allows for more quality time spent on the things that are most important to you
For example, our family
loves going to see the Nutcracker every year but this year I'm in a musical
production of Singin' in the Rain and my weekends are booked with shows.
Trying to fit the Nutcracker in was getting to be stressful so I had to
ask myself, "Is it THAT important? Does it support my mission for
Christmas?" The answer is no. My heart starts with the, "But
it's a TRADITION!" Ya, so is cutting down the tree, viewing Christmas
lights, traveling 2.5 hours to have dinner with my parents..... There are
plenty of other things that are traditions. If we have more time next
year, we'll pick up the Nutcracker again. In the meantime, that just
freed up $130 in our Christmas budget. More money equals less stress. It's a
So, what will your main
focus be this year? Do you want to instill family traditions that will create more
time together and stronger bonds? Do you want to focus on teaching your
children that this is the season of giving? Do you want to make sure your
children see through the festivities and learn the “why” that Christmas is
celebrating a change in the world’s history? Once you have your MAIN focus we
can get to work on simplifying your to-do list and I'll even help you with
tradition ideas that you can use to support your mission.
Post in the comments
your thoughts on what your mission for this Christmas.....