Happy May!!
We are almost half way through 2013! And here we are still working on our goals.
I'm plugging away at my goals taking on a little at a time. Life sure gets busy and my focus has to change depending on what's going on in the world around me. I'm happy to say that my son has been getting his work done at school. Today we celebrated SIX DAYS in a row of no "Green Folder" coming home with unfinished work to complete. We are playing up the positive and celebrating each milestone. He has been able to play on the playground after school and he's playing video games after his homework is done. For completing a whole week with no folder, he gets a special treat. He requested that his dad get a fishing license! I see some good father/son time in his future.
Not having to play Work Warden allows me to put my energy back into other things. I have a lot of Bible reading to catch up on but that should be up to date by the end of this week. (UPDATE: I'm caught up!)
How do we set ourselves up for success in May? Here's my plan.
- Write down goals!!!
- Use the Rocks board to focus daily
- Pre-mark Progress Chart
Goals for May:
God-Read Bible 365 daily readings
Health-Exercise for neck relief
Family-Dates with husband
Finances-Keep checkbook balanced. Use cash. Meet with hubby to discuss 3x.
Career-Keep Blogging
Self-Fulfillment-Audition for The Wiz
Health: I've decided that I really must focus on the health of my neck because I've been in some sort of pain constantly since April 9th. So neck and core exercises are a must. I need to get out walking too because my depression has been well.... a bummer.
God: Keep up on Bible reading. It can pile up quickly!!!
Family: The husband and I have been communicating a lot and both of us are digging deep to work on our marriage. We have two date nights on the calendar. One with friends and one just us.
Finances: Meet with the hubby three times to check-in on the finances. We've already set the budget for the month and I've filled the envelopes with cash. This really helps me by taking away the burden of inputting every single debit transaction in the register. Looks like we may even finish Dave Ramsey's Baby Step 3A by the end of the month which is building a fully funded emergency fund.
There I did Step One.
Step Two. Using the Rocks board that I made has been awesome! Here’s today’s:
And something I’m trying for the first time, pre-marking my progress chart to show what I plan to do and when. As I complete each task, I mark an X through it. Here's how the month looks so far:
I am creating a new website that will combine my speaking information and my blogging. It will be my "All-In-One Home" So keep an eye out for the announcement of the big move!
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I like the pre-marking, that makes more visual sense for me since it visibly states your intention but then, I'd have to actually have a chart to mark for me to carry through with any of this fabulous planning! Maybe some day that will grow from sand to a pebble for me.