Monday, June 11, 2012

Priority Challenge Week 1-It's a Win-Win

According to an article published by Harvard Medical School 6 Reasons Not to Skimp on Sleep, the result of sleep deprivation could explain A LOT of the problems I complain about and blame on age or having children. Can you relate to any of the following?

Problems with memory
Poor metabolism, weight gain
Sleepiness during the day
Making mistakes because of lack of focus
Irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness
Increased stress hormone levels (cortisol aka the belly fat hormone)

I can raise to my hand to all of the above.  So, my challenge for this week is to get more sleep. More is too general so let me be specific, I will go to bed at 10pm and wake-up at 6am. I normally stay up to 12 or 1am and my alarm goes off at 6.  I used to be able to function on 6 hours of sleep but that was when I was eating so well and exercising.  Now I do it just because I enjoy being awake when the kids are asleep. There are days like Saturday when either my son or daughter isn't falling asleep and plays the "I'm going to come up with a thousand excuses to go in my mom's room game" and not fall asleep until 10:30pm.  The kids share a room so they feed off of each other and the idea of fighting with one of them while the other is sleeping keeps me from playing bad cop with the one that is awake. Then there is my co-dependent husband.  We both know that we need more sleep but like to hang out with each other and watch T.V. 

So by doing this challenge I could:
Remember more things
Help myself to lose or keep off weight
Have more energy
Not make as many mistakes
Be less moody
Lessen belly fat

Shoot, it's a win-win. Get MORE sleep and feel better? Why didn't I try this sooner?

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