Friday, June 1, 2012

Big Rock Number One

So, what are my big rocks?  What are the things that mean the most to me or are my core values? Maybe what I should be asking is, "What do I WANT my big rocks to be?" Because I can tell you that God is the most important thing in my life, but often gets put off more and more until I realize I haven't been filled spiritually in days which leads to weeks.

One Bible study teacher said to me, "You miss one day with God, He can tell. You miss two days with God, you can tell. You miss three days with God, EVERYONE can tell."

So if you see me being cantankerous (I had to look up a synonym for "bitchy" because I'm trying to not swear, Oye!), so...... if you see me being cantankerous wink wink, you can ask me if I've been spending time with my number one Rock.

What are my other rocks? My spouse, my children, my health, my family.

What does putting them in my jar first look like?  Let's just take this one rock at a time shall we? If I try to take on too much, rocks'll be flyin!  Knowing that this was going to be my post today and that today is the first day of the month, I made sure I had quiet time focusing on God. Well... that's debatable because the book I used for a devotion is "God's Words of Wisdom for Moms" or something like that so really the focus was ME with God because I'm that self-centered, but it's a step.

It truly did help though because it got me thinking about celebrating my children and their growth in their faith.  It's hard to be Mean Morning Mommy when you have thoughts of your children's faith on your mind. And hey, that's a two for one rock moment there: God AND Kids.

Having the devotion book helped too because I wasn't overwhelmed with the idea of BIBLE STUDY. I have more plans for addressing my God Rock, but hey we've got all month right?

What's big rock do you want to focus on right now? What's one thing you can do to put that rock in your jar today and not let the other things get in the way?

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