Monday, February 25, 2013

Buried Under the Rocks

Oye am I overwhelmed!!!  I've got many rocks going on and I think the juggling is getting dangerous.  Today feels like I let a few of the rocks slip and they've conked me on the head. (I keep thinking of Bob Dylan's "Everybody Must Get Stoned" even though there are no drugs going on here)

Friday was the audition and I did it.  I would't say I rocked it, but I at least didn't croak like a frog or forget any words.  I was able to sing first before anybody else and I'm so glad I did because once I saw all of the other people, I was so impressed I would not have had the nerve to go up there.  So now there's call backs in a couple of weeks and I really really do not want to go.  I've wanted to take voice lessons for a couple of months but it just hasn't worked out and before I go to any other auditions, I want to have a couple of lessons under my belt.  I have a decent voice, but lack confidence and practice.  All the other people were talking vocal ranges and notes. I don't read music and don't know the vocabulary.  Best thing I can do is memorize the songs from the show.  I'll keep you posted on how things go.  BUT have to say I'm proud of myself for taking the step forward.  (side note: talked with the director of the theatre this morning and she said my pitch was right on.  Not only is it nice to get any sort of feedback, but to hear that makes me feel great since that's my first obstacle, yeah!!)

I've had more commitments with the theatre which has involved more homework than I expected. Finally got an assignment done that was due tonight and hoping things will be less stressful.  Even with dropping other things, this is a lot to add to the plate.

All caught up on my Bible reading. It's an exciting milestone because I have read up to this point a handful of times and then given up.  Today we start with Joshua and it's new territory for me.  If you want to jump in on this journey, check out Bible 365 and start with Joshua.

Had a field trip with my daughter's class today. Survived without a migraine so I call that a success!

I could go on and on but I won't.  Just being aware that I'm feeling the stress of too much going on.  Going to have to watch and see if there's something that needs to be adjusted.  Going to work on getting more sleep, less socializing, and keeping up with exercising.  My latest mantra comes from a good friend, who when I said I needed to get walking again to get my endorphins up, responded with, "Yes! Because happy people just don't kill!"  And when I'm single moming it like I have been lately, I gotta do what it takes to keep my mood on the happy side!

What do you do when things start to get overwhelming? Do you recognize it before it gets too late?  What can you do to make things less overwhelming? 

By the way, why is it that when I'm talking to people or posting on Facebook I get all sorts of unsolicited advice and comments but when I ask questions on my blog, people are silent?  I know you all have things to say so say it here!

1 comment:

  1. I don't really have the answer to not being overwhelmed....but I have found that I do know when to say no now. I have found that saying no to extra things does help me have more free time to be available to help others, etc., which is important to me. As I have gotten older, I have also found out what I can do well and what I can't do. Of course, having 6 children also really makes me choose only the top prorities as well! I am not able to be counted on for much! For example, I would like to help out with school parties/events sometimes, but I know it will be too much at this point. I am also realizing this is a time will come when I can do more. o.k. this is my two cents worth! ~Sara Barnard
