Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Health gets a jar of its own

So my second rock is Health.  As I explained yesterday, we have to take care of ourselves or we can't be 100% there for those we love.  I know because during the last 7 years I've been plagued with many health issues and I've spent a lot of time MIA being in bed with migraines, sleep deprivation catch-up, recovering from a broken foot, etc. And those are just the physical problems.  I also have the joy of inheriting the depression gene on top of some childhood trauma.  So I'm well rounded in the health challenges.

Before having kids, I was really healthy.  I cut out tons of junk from my diet and I was exercising regularly.  I was on no medications what-so-ever and I had lots of energy.  My headaches were gone and my mood was level.  No allergies, no tummy trouble, life was good.  Once I got pregnant, I was so sick.  In the first trimester I was a mess.  Nothing sounded good to eat.  Even though I forced myself to eat, I lost 10 pounds in my first trimester with my daughter.  I've never fully gone back to the healthy eating I was doing before.  So I get it when people say they don't have enough time to eat right.  Being healthy takes effort, time, and resources.  It's much easier to eat the convenient food our fast paced society provides. But it's killing me and it's hurting my family.

So what would the jar of health look like? What rocks would go in first and what is the sand that would keep me from doing well?

Rocks: fruits and vegetables, exercise, sleep, supplements, time outside, soul filling hobbies, "me" time, and even the quiet time that I've been doing for my God rock.  (Rocks supporting rocks!) Not all of those rocks would be put in the jar on a daily basis but most should be.

Pebbles: socializing with others especially other healthy moms, journaling, reading good books

Sand: energy zappers like sugar, caffeine, fried food, dairy is an issue for me, negative unproductive time like too much time on Facebook or surfing the web mindlessly, too much TV, complaining, eating at restaurants with few exceptions, running up the stairs in the dark and breaking my right foot leaving me unable to do much especially drive for 6+ weeks (trust me, it can happen)

Does this overwhelm you? Are there things you KNOW work better for you and your health but you have stopped doing them?

I'm not going to jump right in and get all of these rocks going at once.  I'm working bit by bit until I get good at something then I'll add more.  Right now I've given up refined sugar for the last week and I've added supplements I've learned about in my research of depression.  Doing my daily quiet time has been positive.

We'll spend some time with the health jar so don't be in a huge hurry to take everything on at once.

What will you do today to help yourself?

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