Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rock #1 Setting the Stage

To be successful with our rocks, we need to set the stage because things don't just happen. There would be no need for the rocks in a jar metaphor if everything magically fell into place without us thinking about it.

For my quiet time, I have to have a place I know I will go and a time that I will go there.  Just like brushing my teeth, there is a time and a place for it. Teeth: when I wake up and at the sink. My quiet time has to be the same way.  The trick is to give myself enough time to add it to my morning routine or the madness of getting the kids ready for school will take over before I know it.

I'm not a morning person so I've tried the end of the day quiet time which I'm sure would work well for many people.  I've learned it doesn't work for me because I NEED to be filled before I get going or I'll easily turn to my own self-focus and, "Me, me, me!!" does not make for a good day. If I skip breakfast, I'm not a fun person to be around come 10am. Same with being spiritually fed.

Where do I go? I've always had the vision of a nice red leather wing back chair with a small round table next to it.  On the table I'd have a nice lamp and a small stack of inspirational books with maybe a journal. Instead I have the rocking chair from the nursing babies days scooted up next to the particle board scrapbook desk turned TV stand that has a 6"x12" space to put my books under the TV. Waiting until I have the perfect spot would put me off at least 2 years so, make do with whatcha got right?

What tools do you need for your big rock? Do you have a time and place set aside?

I'll be applying this idea to all of my rocks in the days to come.  Let me know how your journey is going!

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